What You Need to Know Before Choosing One

Virtual Phone Answering Service: What You Need to Know Before Choosing One

Virtual Phone Answering Services

If you’re a business owner, it’s essential to ensure that your customers are always able to reach you when they need to. One way to ensure this happens is by using a virtual phone answering service. But with so many choices, it can be difficult to find the right one. This blog will cover what you need to know before selecting a virtual phone answering service for your business.

Transparent Pricing is Key

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a virtual phone answering service is price. Not all answering services publish their prices online, so it’s essential to make sure you know the price of the service you’re signing up for.

Some answering services charge per call, while others charge per minute. You’ll need to get information about your business calls first, such as the number of calls and the number of minutes of calls per month.

Make sure to factor in any spam, unwanted sales calls, or wrong numbers that may have come in. Once you have this information, you can compare pricing plans to see which service best fits your budget.

Contracts and Hidden Fees

When comparing virtual phone answering services, take a look at their contract terms and hidden fees. Will you be locked into a large contract? What happens if you want to switch services mid-contract? Does the service offer free trials or money-back guarantees?

Additionally, consider any setup fees that may be involved, and make sure to factor those in when budgeting for the service. Finally, look out for any hidden fees, such as requirements to use certain phone systems or sign up for other expensive software.

Features to Look For

When choosing a virtual phone answering service, it’s essential to consider the features they offer.

  • Bilingual services may be necessary if many of your callers are more comfortable speaking in a language other than English.
  • A 24/7 answering service is essential for businesses with time-sensitive leads.
  • If you use a CRM, calendaring, or marketing automation software, make sure the answering service can integrate with it.
  • Many answering services also offer lead qualification and intake services, which can be valuable for businesses with longer sales funnels.

Choosing the Right Virtual Phone Answering Service

When selecting a virtual phone answering service for your business, it’s important to keep your customers’ needs in mind. Choose a virtual phone assistant service that can handle the volume of calls you receive, and make sure their pricing and contract terms are transparent.

Look for features that will make your life easier, such as lead qualification, intake services, or scheduling capabilities. Take the time to compare different virtual phone answering services, you can find the one that’s right for your business and ensure that your customers are always able to reach you when they need to.


In conclusion, choosing the right virtual phone answering service for your business requires careful consideration of several factors. Price transparency is crucial, as you need to know the costs associated with the service, including per-call or per-minute charges, setup fees, and any hidden fees.

Contract terms, including contract length and any early termination fees, should also be thoroughly reviewed. Additionally, look for features that align with your business needs, such as bilingual services, 24/7 availability, integration with your existing software, and lead qualification/intake services.

To ensure that your customers are always able to reach you when they need to, it’s important to select a virtual phone answering service that can handle the volume of calls your business receives.

Choose Vgrow virtual phone answering service that best fits your budget, features, and customer service needs. With our virtual phone answering service, you can enhance your customer communication and provide a positive experience for your callers.

This blog draws inspiration from a YouTube video titled “How to Pick an Affordable Answering Service for Your Business” providing valuable insights on selecting the right answering service to meet your business needs while keeping costs reasonable.


Andrew Gray

Andrew Gray is the Senior Operations Manager at Vserve Amazon Listing Services, a position he's held since 2021. He is renowned for operational excellence, leading teams to achieve sales growth and enhanced customer service. Andrew's role is crucial in optimizing the company's operations and maintaining its reputation for efficient back-office solutions.


Andrew Gray

Andrew Gray is the Senior Operations Manager at Vserve Amazon Listing Services, a position he's held since 2021. He is renowned for operational excellence, leading teams to achieve sales growth and enhanced customer service. Andrew's role is crucial in optimizing the company's operations and maintaining its reputation for efficient back-office solutions.