Virtual Call Answering Service | Virtual Receptionist | Vgrow

Expert Virtual Call Answering Services: Your Solution for High-Volume Client Calls

In the context of increasing competition, keeping your customer’s content is vital. Having strong customer service is no longer a luxury but a crucial need for your business to thrive. According to a study, it is said that consumers tend to make maximum calls to your workplace, out of which 75% of callers hang up when they hear a  voicemail. Therefore, having a person to attend to all your phone calls is essential.

virtual assistant phone answering services

But if you are busy handling other responsibilities in your business and are looking for assistance in this task, look no further. Hire Vgrow Solutions for virtual telephone answering services to manage all your business day phone calls.

Our virtual office phone answering services include:

  • Answering phone calls with a customized welcome message
  • Adequately responding to customer queries
  • Scheduling appointments over the phone
  • Recording and forwarding messages to you

Our exclusive virtual call answering services for your business

Virtual assistants at Vgrow Solutions are dedicated to providing tailored services to your business. They focus on being responsive to your customers and addressing their needs quickly.

Answer phone calls with a customized

Answer phone calls with a customized welcome message

When it comes to making an impression on your customers and retaining them, your branding plays a major role. When your VA picks up your customer’s call with a personalized greeting and addresses them pleasantly, then your customer feels valued instantly. This is what our VAs provide for your company! Polished and responsive communication are hallmark features of our virtual assistants.

Adequately responding to customer queries

Our virtual assistants will learn and understand about your company to communicate effectively with your customers. They will use the instructions, information, and protocols you provide to assist your customers with queries.

Schedule appointments over the phone

Schedule appointments over the phone

If you are looking for your virtual assistant to help you with getting organized, then you have come to the right place! Our virtual assistant will handle your calendar and schedule agendas with prospective and existing clients and vendors. From setting up appointments to handling modifications and cancellations- Vgrow’s VA will help you with these arrangements.

Record and forward messages to you

Our virtual assistants will maintain a daily record of all the calls. They will also forward the details of the calls to you on a pre-scheduled basis. This way, you will be aware of all the important messages and have a database of these calls.

Schedule appointments over the phone

Virtual phone answering assistant vs. full-time office receptionist – the right choice for your business

It is expensive to hire a full-time office receptionist because you have to provide them with office space, office supplies, paid leaves, health insurance, dental plans and other perks. This is a significant reason why businesses are turning to virtual receptionists instead. When you hire a virtual receptionist, you do not have to worry about their leaves, breaks, or other types of time off to consider. 

For virtual phone answering assistants, you only have to pay for the services they provide. Having a qualified specialist take your call is critical, and unlike in-house receptionists, whose expertise and skill set fluctuate, when you hire a virtual phone answering assistant from Vgrow, you know they are trained in this area. Moreover, with Vgrow you can hire a virtual assistant for as low as $6/ hour which can eventually help your business save operational costs up to 60%

Thus, if your company’s phone support is crucial to its success, virtual receptionists are the better option since you’ll never have to worry about whether or not someone will be available to take calls.

Advantages of Employing Virtual Call Answering Services from Vgrow Solutions

Have your phone calls answered even during your absence

Have your phone calls answered even during your absence 

Whether you are traveling or busy with other business activities, our virtual call answering services will ensure that your business and customer queries are answered at all times. Our virtual assistants will ensure no information is left out whenever there’s a message that needs to be collected or sent. Our call answering service can also help assign priority to calls and get you involved faster when needed.

Considerable cost savings

Considerable cost savings

In today’s world, you are constantly expected to do more with less. Therefore, adding in-house administrative staff to manage your calls can become costly. Hence, when you work with us, you wouldn’t have to bear staffing and training expenses. Our dedicated virtual call answering assistant will provide all the services of a full-time assistant. They are fully equipped to perform all kinds of virtual assistant phone answering services.

A polite and professional approach

A polite and professional approach

Having a great start is vital for a profitable business. That’s why sounding polite and professional over calls is crucial. Our virtual call answering services have assisted businesses for years and are trained to answer calls and queries efficiently. They also ensure they have the right tone and voice modulation to sound pleasant over calls. Therefore, rest assured that all your business-related communication is handled proficiently.

High-security and confidentiality protocol

High-security and confidentiality protocol

Maintaining security and confidentiality is one of our top priorities at Vgrow. We take serious measures to protect your company information from unintentional, unauthorized, and unlawful disclosure. Subsequently, we adhere to ISO 27000 standards and conduct regular legal compliance checks to protect our customer data.

Capability to modify call script as needed at anytime

Capability to modify call script as needed at anytime

You can modify our virtual office phone answering services to fit your needs. Our virtual call answering assistant is highly adaptable and can modify the call script appropriately. They are capable of adapting to different business scenarios and deliver services aptly.

Get your business up and running 24/7 with our virtual assistant phone answering services!

Running a business means you’ll need to do a million things at once, but you only have two hands. With dedicated virtual assistant phone answering services, you don’t have to worry about managing your administrative tasks. Hire a virtual real estate assistant and make a statement that your customer’s call is important and you are always available for them.

Now focus on what matters most, and let us take care of the rest. Join forces with virtual call answering services from Vgrow Solutions.

FAQ – Question and Answer

The answering service is used to answer calls, make calls, and provide information on behalf of a company. It not only benefits your clients but your employees as well. They are cost-effective and provide services 24×7, unlike office assistance. This service is ideal for small and medium-sized businesses who don’t have the financial resources to hire an in-house team to handle their volume of calls.

Virtual answering services are nothing but someone answering your phone calls for you, but instead of being in your office, they do it from a remote location.

There are many benefits of having virtual phone answering services such as- Streamlines good communication between organization and customers

  • Provide 24×7 support
  • Keeps track of information quickly and efficiently
  • offers a faster interaction than email, easy and quick to use
  • Scalable solutions and expands your business
  • Supports more users and new capabilities

A Cost-effective and practical way to boost your business

Virtual assistants handle administrative and customer service tasks. We have expertise in digital services like web development, SEO, content writing, graphic designing, and social media management to help you out in every aspect.

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